The wireless heart!

Many of us have heard of a pacemaker, right? One has heard numerous cases when the pacemaker failed and the patient was not aware of it and then suffered a stroke. For all those who are ignorant about it, pacemaker is a medical device wherein electrodes are in contact with the heart muscles. On detecting abnormal heart beats the pacemaker delivers electrical impulses through the electrodes thus bringing the heart to normal. A defibrillator also works on the same lines of the pacemaker but isn't pacemaker still an electronic device which obviously has a limited operational time and failure of any one of the small electrical components could cost a life?

One effective technology which could alert the person or his/her physician of the status of his/her pacemaker or defibrillator could be of immense use to persons vulnerable to sudden cardiac arrest.

Medtronic Inc. were one of the first to develop a smart implantable device which uses wireless telemetry, micro controllers, modems and internet technology to analyse heart rhythms, deliver shocks and send information to physicians -all without the aid of the patient.

One of the bigger challenges Medtronic engineers faced were transmission of signals without interference. RF signals were originally considered but replaced by a less known frequency band called MICS(medical implant communications service)-bandwidth of 402-405 mhz. Previously used for weather balloons and other meteorological aids, the MICS band offers the advantage of virtually no interference. Low interference translates to more effective use of power, because data need not be re send. A table top box which can receive these signals through an antenna was set up.

But still the data needs to be analysed and so Medtronic in collaboration with software giants like Microsoft developed a system known as CareLink Network which enables physicians to receive and analyze the data through the internet. If patients can keep in touch with their physicians from any part of the world this would be nothing short of a miracle. If the patient is sleeping or if he or she is not aware of atrial arrhythmia(irregular hear beats) the doctor is made of aware of it and he could treat them with the right drugs and possibly prevent a stroke which is the main purpose.

Although the initial tests and results are favorable,this device is not tried and tested. As the technology is in its infant stage and taking into account the economical viability of this machine, one can forsee the continuos use only in the distant future.The optimists are backing it as a medical technological breakthrough. How effective is it,only time would tell.

For the millions of people who might find this product of great use, it is a reassuring fact for them to know that their heart is in safe hands.

As they say , " A stitch in time saves nine".


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